Thursday 23 February 2012

Down by the Dam

Weeping Bottlebrush, Melaleuca viminalis,
on the island

The dam, or lake if you prefer, is a lovely feature at Peacehaven. The 
Weeping Bottlebrush, Melaleuca viminalis (or Callistmon viminalis as we've 
always known it), is flowering at the moment so attracting the honeyeaters. 
Also flowering is the unusual Woolly Frogmouth, Philydrum lanuginosum. If you go close you can see the wide open "frog mouth" that the petals form. If you are lucky enough to have a pond in your garden this pretty plant will enhance it.
Woolly Frogmouth, 
Philydrum lanuginosum
Woolly Frogmouth
at the water's edge

How is the lovely water fern, Common Nardoo, Marsilea drummondi, so important to our early explorers? 
to discover how this innocent plant killed the famous Burke and Wills! Floating like large four-leaved clovers on the dam no one would imagine their dark history.
Common Nardoo, Marsilea drummondii

Other animal life is plentiful too, and you can easily see the turtles pushing their snouts above the water, and making ripples amongst the Nardoo. They are probably the Common Snake-necked Turtle. Calling from the sedges and other water plants at the edge of the dam are Spotted Marsh Frogs, Limnodynastes tasmaniensis. They're easy to hear, but not to see. More about this frog at 
Australasian Grebes, Tachybaptus novaehollandiae

The pair of Australasian Grebes are constantly foraging for food. At the moment their lovely chestnut-coloured facial stripe which is from just behind the eye through to the neck glows in the sunshine. Welcome Swallows and Blue Skimmer Dragonflies flit over the water. The swallows rest on the bottlebrush on the island, whereas the dragonflies fleetingly perch on foliage on or near the water.

Blue Skimmer Dragonfly, Orthetrum caledonicum

So when you are at Peacehaven next, it's worth a wander down to the water!  

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