Tuesday, 23 June 2015


Tuesday 23rd June 11.35am

New plantings- Hedges??
Grasses at edge of Lake
Hi,I am going to endeavour to walk through the park 2 or 3 times a week and bring things of interest or significance to your attention. The TRC planted annuals are progressing nicely with colour showing through already. I think it will add a point of interest and a splash of colour to what at this time of year is a relatively drab pallet. You may say that it could be done with Native plants, and it could. Maybe that is something that could be looked at in the future. WHAT WILL BECOME OF THOSE GARDEN BEDS AFTER THE ANNUALS HAVE PASSED THEIR BEST ??? Could be an opportunity here.But, bang for your buck in a short time frame, annuals are hard to beat. Overall I think it will produce a great result and help lift visitors spirits during this rather drab time of year. GOOD ONYA TRC.
Acacia at edge of new Frog Pond

Every time I visit the Park I think WOW, how lucky is HIGHFIELDS to have this fantastic facility. The best way to keep it progressing and developing is to support it HIGHFIELDS RESIDENTS. How do we show TRC how much we LOVE our Park. A visitors book/comments perhaps, supporting the NURSERY to increase funds that go towards the Garden development, or Posting comments/ideas on this site ???. THE BEST WAY IS TO USE IT !!! All ideas/comments are welcome.

Petrofile Canescens
Pittosporum berries
You may have noticed I used that LOVE word again in the text, our relationship (Friends of Peacehaven)  still hasn't progressed, we are still only Friends not Lovers  !! I STILL HAVEN'T DIVULGED MY SEX YET, SO HOPEFULLY THE BLOG WILL APPEAL TO BOTH SEXES. Hoping to get my PARTNER to contribute to the BLOG as well. Watch this space, it won't be long and Spring will be in the air. Change will be afoot. Talking of which I watched a pair of Rainbow Lorikeets enlarge a hole in one of the Eucalypts today, potential nesting site. Even the birds love building in Highfields.


Thinking about putting in some articles about growing Natives, preparing soil, watering, feeding, pruning etc. Don't know if that is within the scope of the BLOG though. What do ya reckon  ???


  1. Wonderful to have Peacehaven back online. I think anything to do with local native plants and planting will be of interest.

  2. Saya mau mengucapkan terimakasih yg tidak terhingga
    Serta penghargaan & rasa kagum yg setinggi-tingginya
    kepada KYAI ABDUL IMRON saya sudah kerja sebagai TKI
    selama 5 tahun Disingapura dengan gaji Rp 3.5jt/bln
    Tidak cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari
    Apalagi setiap bulan Harus mengirimi Ortu di indon
    Saya mengetahui situs KYAI ABDUL IMRON sebenarnya sdh lama
    dan jg nama besar Beliau
    tapi saya termasuk orang yg tidak terlalu yakin
    dengan hal gaib. Karna terdesak masalah ekonomi
    apalagi di negri orang akhirnya saya coba tlp beliau
    Saya bilang saya terlantar disingapur
    tidak ada ongkos pulang.
    dan KYAI ABDUL IMRON menjelaskan persaratanya.
    setelah saya kirim biaya ritualnya.
    beliau menyuruh saya untuk menunggu
    sekitar 3jam. dan pas waktu yg di janjikan beliau menghubungi
    dan memberikan no.togel mulanya saya ragu2
    apa mungkin angka ini akan jp. tapi hanya inilah jlnnya.
    dengan penuh pengharapan saya BET 200 lembar
    gaji bulan ini. dan saya benar2 tidak percaya & hampir pingsan
    angka yg diberikan ternyata benar2 Jackpot….!!!
    dapat BLT 500jt, sekali lagi terima kasih banyak KYAI
    sudah kapok kerja jadi TKI, rencana minggu depan mau pulang
    Buat KYAI,saya tidak akan lupa bantuan & budi baik KYAI.
    Demikian kisah nyata dari saya tanpa rekayasa.
    Buat Saudaraku yg mau mendapat modal dengan cepat

    ~~~Hub;KYAI ABDUL IMRON~~~

    Call: 082316749155

    WhatsApp: +6282316749155

    Yang Punya Room Trimakasih
